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Guide • Creating a VTuber Page

A Comprehensive Guide to Crafting a VTuber Profile

When constructing a VTuber page for The Vtuber Wiki, it is imperative to furnish the following essential details:

  • name: Name of the VTuber
  • pubDate: Inauguration Date
  • banner: Banner Image URL
  • category: Content Category
  • description: VTuber Description
  • author: Author’s Name or Username (Github)
  • image: VTuber Avatar Image URL
  • links: Array of Relevant Links
  • border_color: The VTuber’s Border Color (For profile cards)

Standard Format Example

name: "Your VTuber Name"
pubDate: 20XX-XX-XX
banner: "URL to Your Banner Image"
category: "Select Category"
description: "A concise description of your VTuber persona."
author: "Your Author Name or Username"
image: "URL to VTuber Avatar Image"
border_color: "Your VTuber's Border Color"
  - "URL to Discord Server"
  - "URL to Social Media Profile"
  - "URL to Streaming Platform"

Providing Information

When compiling a VTuber page, it’s essential to include a comprehensive amount of information about the VTuber. This practice greatly aids the community in discovering the VTuber or finding similar ones.

Information that SHOULD NOT be provided includes:

  • Personal Information
  • Private Details
  • Contact Information
  • Family Information

Getting Started

To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Fork the repository by clicking the “Fork” button at the top of the GitHub repository.

  2. Clone your forked repository to your local machine

  git clone
  cd wiki
  1. Create a new branch for your contributions:
  git checkout -b feature/your-feature-name

Making Changes

  1. Make the necessary code changes and improvements in your branch.

  2. Commit your changes with a meaningful commit message:

  git commit -m "Add new feature: Your feature description"
  1. Push your changes to your forked repository:
  git push origin feature/your-feature-name
  1. Create a pull request (PR) by navigating to the original repository and clicking the “New Pull Request” button. Provide a clear title and description for your PR.

Reporting Issues

If you encounter any issues or bugs in the wiki, please create an issue on the repository. Provide as much detail as possible, including the steps to reproduce the issue.

Code of Conduct

We adhere to the Code of Conduct for maintaining a respectful and welcoming environment for all contributors.